Launching a seminar series at Les Roches

The META Foundation is proud to announce the launch of an innovative seminar series in collaboration with Les Roches, one of the world’s leading hospitality schools. This groundbreaking initiative aims to empower students to explore and innovate new forms of 'virtual hospitality' using Web3 concepts, revolutionizing the way we connect and engage in digital spaces.

In today's rapidly evolving landscape, advancements in technology have made immersive and communal experiences virtually accessible to a wider audience than ever before. As the boundaries between physical and digital worlds blur, a new kind of hospitality is necessary—one that prioritizes inclusivity, creativity, and meaningful interactions.

Through the seminar series taking place from May 2nd to June 6th 2023, students at Les Roches will have the opportunity to delve into the exciting realm of virtual hospitality, learning about the latest trends, technologies, and emerging concepts shaping the future of the industry. From virtual reality experiences to decentralized platforms, participants will explore innovative ways to create memorable and engaging digital interactions that resonate with today's tech-savvy consumers.

By harnessing the power of Web3 concepts, students will be equipped with the tools and knowledge to develop, test, and innovate new hospitality experiences that transcend geographical boundaries and cultural barriers. Whether it's designing virtual hotel environments, organizing immersive events, or curating personalized digital experiences, the possibilities are endless.

The collaboration between the META Foundation and Les Roches represents a visionary partnership aimed at preparing the next generation of hospitality professionals for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow. Together, we are paving the way for a future where virtual hospitality plays a central role in shaping how we connect, engage, and experience the world around us.

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Announcing partnership with NYU SPS


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