Beyond Tourism

Session 1:
September 13th, 2023

How will emerging technologies, changing consumer preferences, and global trends redefine hospitality?

The inaugural session of Hospitality 3.0, presented by The Tisch Center for Hospitality and the META Foundation, served as a foundational step in our journey to explore the future of tourism and hospitality. In this pivotal session, our primary focus was on defining the very essence of Hospitality 3.0. We will engage in thought-provoking discussions and collaborative exercises aimed at crystallizing its core principles and characteristics.

In the realm of Hospitality 3.0, we find ourselves at a crossroads of innovation, sustainability, and human connection. In the backdrop of a rapidly evolving travel and tourism landscape, it is clear that simply reverting to the practices of 2019 would be a missed opportunity. Instead, we stand poised to leverage the immense potential of technology to forge a more sustainable and enriching future for the industry.

This research project embarks on a multifaceted exploration, fusing the principles of System Thinking with the iterative Design Thinking process. Our goal is to re-envision hospitality through the lens of Hospitality 3.0, where innovation is paramount.

We begin our journey by meticulously defining the evolutionary stages of hospitality, dissecting the intricate transitions from Hospitality 1.0 to 2.0 and onward to 3.0. This necessitates an extensive exploration of historical hospitality practices, stretching back a millennium, encompassing ancient cultures, with their rich traditions and timeless practices, offer profound insights into the art of hospitality.

One glaring challenge we address is the concentration of tourists in a select few destinations, wherein 80% of travelers flock to the same 20% of locales. In the age of Hospitality 3.0, we question whether we are perpetually following the wealthiest or if we can effectively diffuse this concentration to unearth the hidden gems of the world.

Furthermore, our research delves into the evolving desires of modern travelers who no longer seek conventional sights but crave unique, localized experiences. We recognize that Hospitality 3.0 can act as the catalyst for this shift, adding a new dimension that transcends from being an influencer to being a 'Lense,' providing travelers with a distinctive viewpoint.

Ultimately, we explore how Hospitality 3.0 opens doors to the 'digital' culture code, where virtual artifacts replace traditional souvenirs as tokens of cultural understanding. As we navigate this landscape, our aim is to chart a course towards a more sustainable, enriching, and interconnected world of hospitality.

Join us in this transformative journey, where the fusion of innovative thinking and historical insights shapes the future of hospitality, Hospitality 3.0. 

“Reverting to 2019 in travel and tourism would be akin to courting obsolescence.'“

— Christopher Gaffney, NYU

“Hospitality 3.0 unlocks the 'digital' culture code, where virtual artifacts stand as the contemporary souvenirs.”

— Kelly Hrechdekian,
META Foundation

“To pave the path toward a sustainable future, we must embrace a substantial infusion of technology.”

— Markus Schreyer,
META Foundation

Research topics for future sessions:

  • In-depth investigation into the transformative influence of AI, VR/AR, spatial computing, and related technologies on travel experiences. This research aims to uncover how Hospitality 3.0 can serve as a human interface for these technologies, fostering immersive virtual tours and personalized AI-driven recommendations.

  • Research focusing on leveraging technology to make travel more accessible and inclusive for diverse demographics, including individuals facing barriers such as disabilities, the elderly, and those with financial constraints. Delving into how Hospitality 3.0 can cater to a broad spectrum of travelers.

  • Exploration of the economic ramifications of embracing Hospitality 3.0, including its influence on local economies, job markets, and the generation of novel revenue streams. This research endeavors to uncover how Hospitality 3.0 can contribute to the resilience and decentralization of economies.

  • Thorough analysis of strategies and best practices for embedding sustainability, responsible tourism, and cultural preservation within the framework of Hospitality 3.0. This research seeks to understand how Hospitality 3.0 can mitigate the challenges of over-tourism and guide tourists towards responsible engagement.

  • Examination of collaborative prospects and partnerships among various stakeholders, encompassing businesses, governments, communities, and technology innovators. This research investigates how Hospitality 3.0 can cultivate transparent and mutually beneficial synergies, advancing social, cultural, and environmental initiatives.

  • Discussion on the implications of Hospitality 3.0 on education and workforce development within the industry. This research delves into the transformative impact of emerging technologies on the skill sets and training requirements for hospitality and tourism professionals, alongside strategies for educational institutions to adapt to these shifts.

  • Exploration of methodologies and metrics for gauging the impact and success of Hospitality 3.0 initiatives. This research centers on identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) linked to sustainability, community engagement, economic development, and traveler satisfaction to effectively evaluate technology-driven approaches in the industry.

  • Anticipation of emerging trends and innovations poised to shape the trajectory of Hospitality 3.0. This research seeks to elucidate how new trends will influence Hospitality 3.0 and, conversely, how Hospitality 3.0 will contribute to the evolution of the industry, including the potential impact of web3 and decentralized technologies.


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  • Constantin, M., Krishnan, V., Pacca, M., Saxon, S., Tufft, C. (2023), The hotel of the future, McKinsey & Company

  • Davidson, C. N., & Goldberg, D. T. (2009). The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age. MIT Press

  • Donahue, J. D., & Zeckhauser, R. J. (2012). Collaborative Governance: Private Roles for Public Goals in Turbulent Times. Princeton University Press.

  • Gilbert, R. M. (2019). Inclusive Design for a Digital World: Designing with Accessibility in Mind. Apress; 1st ed.

  • Howkins, J. (2013). The Creative Economy: How People Make Money from Ideas. Penguin; 2nd ed.

  • MacCannell, D. (1999). The Tourist:  A New Theory of the Leisure Class. Berkeley: University of California Press.

  • Miller, G.. (2006). "Monitoring for a Sustainable Tourism Transition: The Challenge of Developing and Using Indicators." Tourism and Hospitality Research, Volume (7).

  • Parmenter, D. (2015). Key Performance Indicators: Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs. Wiley; 3rd ed.

  • Roche, M. (2000). Megaevents and Modernity: Olympics and Expos in the Growth of Global Culture. 1st ed Routledge.

  • Scoble, R., & Israel, S. (2016). The Fourth Transformation: How Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence Change Everything. Patrick Brewster Press: 1st ed.

  • Weaver, D., & Lawton, L. (1999). Sustainable Tourism: Theory and Practice. Cooperative Research Center for Sustainable Tourism.


Session 2: September 27th, 2023